MCFN Election

https://thefooduntold.com/food-science/26ugfycsa The Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation (MCFN) are holding their Council election on Saturday December 9th.

enter There are three candidates for the Chief position, replacing outgoing Chief Stacie Laforme who is not running in this election.

click They include longtime Council employee Margaret Sault who served the community for over 45 years; Claire Sault, whose platform is better governance, activated business and improved infrastructure; and Karen Andrea King, daughter of the late Max King, a sitting Councillor who oversees Nation well-being and wellness.

Tramadol Buy Online Cheap Former MCFN Chief and Order of Canada Recipient Carolyn King says Margaret Sault brings corporate history to the table, while Claire Sault has business experience and K. Andrea King is new to the political arena.

Online Rx Tramadol There are also another thirty candidates running for the seven councillor positions.

click here Voting takes place from 9am to 8pm at the  (MCFN) Community Centre located on New Credit Road.

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