CKRZ is 31
CKRZ is 31 years old this year and while there hasn’t been a lot to celebrate, we’re gonna give it a shot anyway by giving you a chance at winning big bucks and some great prizes on Sunday, January 31st.
When you order your bingo cards for Sunday, you’ll be entered into a draw that could win you some great prizes. We’ll be doing a draw for a gift card tree and a swag bag that have a total value of $560.00. Because we are in a “Black” alert level here at Six Nations, curbside service is available to purchase your bingo cards by calling (519) 445-4140 and don’t forget to ask for your 50/50 tickets. We are observing pandemic guidelines so please don’t forget to wear a mask when you pick up your cards.
Happy Anniversary CKRZ.
January 22nd, 2021
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